Role of Communication Skills: A Review

Shalini Saxena, Prachi Rastogi, Sh Sachin Gupta, Sam Raj Nesamony


The word “Communication” may be defined as the data by which anyone could share their views, data, emotions of any other person, place, etc. Nowadays, in many organizations, people are facing problems communicating (cannot share their views with others due to lack of communication skills.). In any field, one should be expressive so that they can share their views, data, emotions, etc., with others. This study was carried out to find out the elements that contribute to students' low performance and find solutions to improve teaching and learning of communications at the University of Education in Winneba. The purpose of the review was to highlight suggestions and recommendations on how the communication skills training might be improved. To this end, the investigator has employed interviews, observations, and documents to collect information to answer questions to be answered by this research. The study focused on all the students of the second year and communications professionals as their entire population but used the objectives. In this paper, the author discussed communication as many people cannot share their views with others due to lack of communication. The future scope of communication is wide as it is used for making others understand. It is effective, flexible anyone can understand and it is important for the functioning of any organization.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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