Strategies in Enhancing Speaking Skills of EFL Students

Mohammad Yousef Alsaraireh


Speaking has traditionally been regarded as the most challenging of the four competencies required of language students. Most recent research has stressed the importance of being able to communicate well. Learners may improve their speaking abilities by using a variety of tools, owing to the widespread use of technology in today's environment. Consequently, it is vital to identify the learners' learning approaches for speaking skills in the new learning setting. This study looked at the most widely utilized language learning approaches for enhancing speaking ability. The papers were published between 2017 and 2021 and were located in ERIC and Google Scholar. The basis for this study is PRISMA 2020. According to the research, metacognitive and cognitive tactics were the most often utilized approaches for improving speaking abilities, followed by compensatory and social procedures. Memory and emotional tactics were the least popular approaches among students. The results may help instructors choose the most successful teaching strategy for their students in today's learning environment. Future research might include a detailed study of learning approaches for various educating abilities.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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