Fresh Landscapes in Indian Culture – Sita the Creator of Space for Women Learning Skills

E. Balamurali, A. Hariharasudan


Sita has been embedded with a social stigma that has failed to expose the real nature, calibre, talent for Indian society. The most powerful woman in world history has been denied due to her identity and real value. This research is a search for the real calibre of Sita and her skills, talents and administrative potential which could be a significant role model for modern women to learn from her. Sita’s versatile talents become a learning skill for today women in Indian society. Learnings skills get from Sita makes Indian women lead their life for betterment and helps to draw their life how they want them. The courage of Sita identifies the real women in the modern world in various situations. This research dealt with modern women to correlate the ideas of Sita from ancient days. The skills of Sita express the thoughts and emotions to the women to know who they are and also degrade the serf thoughts in the minds of women today. This research integrates the women of modernity with the vision of Sita. This paper provides new fresh thoughts of Sita in newer perspectives which could provide new spaces for Indian women and their identities. 

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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