Editorial: Impact of Education 4.0 for Second Language Learning and Teaching

Ahdi Hassan


The change in worldwide mobility is a natural and inevitable feature today as we are in the digital era now. Education 4.0 is driven by the commencement of Industry 4.0, which is a present trend of digitalization and automation of industries. Technology integrated teaching and learning (Education 4.0) is useful for effective education. The concept of Education 4.0 has gained popularity in recent days. Education 4.0 methodologies have prompted areas of scholarly inquiry, new communicative practices, increasing opportunities for intercultural engagement, supporting new instructional formats and changing the day-to-day communication and learning practices of both teachers and students.

Without a doubt, there is no exemption for Second Language Learning and Teaching too. The adoption of Education 4.0 helps support the acquisition of Second Language Learning and Teaching easier. Therefore, this Special Issue aims to publish articles that focus on second language learning and teaching concerning digital integration and online methodologies (Education 4.0).

This Special Issue intends to include a range of studies that consider diverse theoretical and instructional practices for second language learning and teaching using technologies. 

This special issue is not only limited to empirical research but also welcomes conceptual articles that discuss multiple research approaches to investigations of digital writing and examine relevant theoretical frameworks and constructs, which guide empirical research and research-informed pedagogies for second language learning and teaching. Besides, it also welcomes articles related to linguistics/literary discourse.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n2p1

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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