Translating the Metaphor: A Cognitive Stylistic Conceptualization (English – Arabic)

Hasan Said Ghazala


Metaphor is the key figure of rhetoric that usually implies a reference to figurative language in general. Therefore, it
has always been attended to carefully by linguists, critics and writers. Traditionally, being originally a major
aesthetic and rhetorical figure, it has been analysed and approached in terms of its constituent components (i.e.
image, object, sense, etc.) and types (such as cliché, dead, anthropomorphic, recent, extended, compound, etc.
metaphors). However, recently, and in the light of the latest developments of cognitive stylistics, metaphor has
received yet greater attention from a completely different perspective of conceptualization and ideologization.
Consequently, this change of perspective has its immediate effect on translation theory and practice, which has to be
approached equally differently now with respect to translating metaphor.
This paper is an attempt to consider the translation of metaphor from a cognitive stylistic perspective, viewing it
primarily as a matter of conceptualization of topics, objects and people. All metaphors are in principle reflections
and constructions of concepts, attitudes, mentalities and ideologies on the part of the writer / speaker. Hence, any
metaphor is conceptualized in terms of source domain and target domain in different texts, especially literary
discourse. In translation, an instant positive response to this conceptualization of metaphor is anticipated by
translators into the target language, on the basis of the two domains, the source and the target.
The conclusion aimed at by the paper is to turn focus to metaphor as a concretized, conceptualized, useful and
updated cognitive figure of rhetoric both in theory and practice of translation. This will unearth yet unexplored
dimensions of meaning, analysis, comprehension, interpretation, appreciation and translation of metaphor in both
languages, the SL and the TL.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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