Using Blended Approach for EFL Learning: A Step towards 21st Century Classrooms

Mohammed Mahib ur Rahman


The increasing use of technology for the teaching-learning activity has seen a significant change in the learning approach across the globe including the teaching of English as a foreign/second language. In this context, the teacher makes use of online classes along with the formal or in class approach for EFL learning. Consequently, the blended learning approach has seen an influx of research and considered as a potential area of research for the teachers. As opposed to the sheer use of e-learning, blended learning promotes the use of different technological equipment for EFL instructions in addition to the traditional method or face to face approach. Therefore, several higher learning centers have already started using blended learning to teach EFL learners. However, this phenomenon is more prevalent in the developed nations as compared to the developing countries like Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the author aims to determine the attitudes and perceptions of EFL learners towards the use of blended learning, as an ultimate recipient and recommends it for further implementation based on the findings of this study. The questionnaire has randomly been administered among a total of 70 undergraduate EFL learners of Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire consists of 10 closed ended items. Based on the collected responses of EFL learners against each item a quantitative analysis has been done using SPSS 26. The results indicate that most EFL learners believe that it has a positive impact and make learning more interesting. Further, the study has been concluded with the recommendations and practical implication in EFL learning based on the obtained results.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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