Flipped Classroom's Validity, Applicability, and Reliability According to University and Private Sector Scholars' Perspectives in the Palestinian Context

Ahmed Awad Amin Raba'


Teaching effectively produces the change for a better life, thus, the researcher conducted this study to figure out and analyze the potentiality of teaching via flipped classroom instructional method, according to senior lecturers of different Palestinian University perceptions along with the private sector scholars' perceptions. The researcher tried to detect the trend's reliability, validity, and applicability in the Palestinian context. The researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with 10 distinguished scholars in four Palestinian Universities who teach Methods of teaching EFL, applied linguistics and IT courses for master's degree graduates and others from the private sector local and international ones. The sample was predetermined from the private sector and the universities in Palestine. The researcher used qualitative research tools to analyze the collected data. The questions of the interview were designed as the consistency of its previous literature. The results of the analysis showed a significant weight for the flipped classroom model's validity, reliability and it also showed insignificance in the matter of applicability in the Palestinian Context. Further research will be of a great educational impact if similar research is conducted on a larger scale that will cover all the government and private schools.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v10n2p46

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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