Linguistics in the Framework of Three-Dimensional Logo: Letter, Note, Numeral

Antipenko Leonid Grigoryevich


The task of the article is return prosody to linguistics, to turn linguistics to speech, to voice content. For this, linguistics rises to the logo. It is shown that the logo as such is divided into three hypostases: the verbal logo, the musical logo (melos) and mathematical logo. The results of objectifications (Entӓusserung, Gegenstӓndlichkeit in German) of these components are expressed respectively by letters, notes and numerals. Each of the three components has two aspects that the author calls styles. The verbal logo has a prosaic and poetic style; musical logo has vocal (voice) and musical-instrumental style; mathematical logo has a logical style and a historical style.  

Martin Heidegger showed that the logo is inextricable linked with time. The projection of time on the created images  ̶  verbal and poetic (letters), musical (notes), mathematical (numеrals)  ̶  allows you to fill them with life, to give them a natural look. 

Thus, orientation to the logos leads the linguist to a wider understanding of the subject of linguistics in comparison with the previous, narrowed version of its interpretation.   

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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