Important: Manuscript Submission Suspension Notice - World Journal of English Language

Dear Authors and Contributors,

We would like to inform you that the World Journal of English Language has reached its capacity for manuscript submissions. As a result, we will be temporarily pausing the acceptance of new submissions effective immediately until October 1, 2024. Any further extension beyond this date will be determined based on our capacity and announced subsequently.

This decision was made to ensure that we maintain the high quality of our journal and to provide timely feedback to all authors who have already submitted their work. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.

Please note that:

All manuscripts currently under review will continue to be processed according to our usual timeline.
If you have recently submitted a manuscript, it will still be evaluated, and you will receive an update regarding its status.

We encourage you to check our website periodically for updates on when we will reopen for new submissions.

Thank you for your continued support of the World Journal of English Language. We look forward to welcoming your contributions again soon.