Effects of ICT Integration in Management of Private Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya: Policy Options and Practices

Charles Richard Oyier, Paul Amollo Odundo, Ganira Khavugwi Lilian, Kahiga Ruth Wangui


The convergence between telecommunication, broadcasting multimedia and related technologies commonly known asInformation and Communication Technologies (ICT), promises a fundamental change in educational management.ICT could be the missing tool in improving efficiency of private secondary schools to cope with rapidly changingworld to effectively meet management tasks combined with flexibility in learning and administrative activitiesessential in enhancing efficiency in educational institutions. Little evidence explains effect of ICT in private secondaryschools management across the globe. The study investigated effects of ICT in management in private secondaryschools in Nairobi. A survey design was adopted with target population of 140 private schools and information wassourced from 40 principals, who were randomly sampled. The study found that the adoption of ICT is high in privateschools irrespective of curriculum offered. The use of ICT with schools having installed current hardware and softwarerequired for implementation of ICT strategy in management. Findings revealed that use of ICT is more in schools withhigher enrollment and having both day and boarding components. Uses of ICT enabled institutions achieveimprovements in financial, administrative and instruction management. In financial management 62.5% of schools hadautomated accounts, 71.9% payroll and 53.1% budgeting operations. In administrative management 68.75%automated stores, 56.25% students’ records and 62.50% staff records. In instructional management 53.10% automatedtimetabling, 84.30% examinations and 76.90% students’ progress reports. The study recommends regular training ofadministrators and staff on emerging technologies in school management, deliberate budgetary allocation to procurehardware and software to support ICT in management and government policy to implement ICT in management at alltiers of the economy.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v5n6p14

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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