Effects of Two and Three-Dimensional Visual Objects on the Acquisition of Drawing Skills among JSS1 Students in Osun State, Nigeria

Bada Tayo Abass, Bello Isyakka, Ijisakin Yemi Olaolu, Fajuyigbe Michael Olusegun


The study examined the effects of two and three dimensional visual objects on learners’ drawing skills in juniorsecondary schools in OsunState.Nigeria.It also determined students’ ability to identify visual objects. Furthermore, itinvestigated the comparative effectiveness of two and three dimensional visual objects on drawing skills of juniorsecondary school students.The study employed the pretest, post- test experimental design. The study populationconsisted of all junior secondary school one students in Osun State. Three junior secondary schools were purposivelyselected from Atakumosa Local Government Area of Osun State. A sample of 120 JSS1 students was selected from thethree schools using stratified sampling techniques with sex as stratum. These were later randomly assigned into twoexperimental and one control groups. The first experimental group was taught drawing using three-dimensional visualobjects; the second experimental group was taught using two-dimensional visual objects, while group three the controlgroup was taught using conventional method. The research instrument was a Visual Object Achievement Test (VOAT).This was administered as pre test and post test. Data gathered were analyzed using ANOVA and t-test statistics.Theresults showed that there was a significant difference in the basic drawing skills of learners taught with visual objectsand those taught without visual objects (F = 14.163, p< 0.05). The results also showed that there was a significantdifference in the identification ability of learners taught with two and three dimensional visual objects and those taughtwith conventional method. (F = 4.599, p< 0.05).The study concluded that the use of two and three dimensional objectswill anhance drawing skills.Furthermore, the results showed that there was no significant difference in the acquisition of drawing skills betweenmale and female students who were taught using two and three dimensional visual objects (t = 2.02, p< 0.05 ).The study concluded that the use of two and three-dimensional visual objects significantly enhanced students’ drawingability.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v4n1p62

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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