Impediments to Quality Research in Business Education in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions
Research is a systematic investigation towards increasing the sum of human knowledge. Research in businesseducation is aimed at increasing knowledge in the discipline and providing solutions to problems relating tocurriculum, program evaluation and overall improvement in the teaching and learning process. There is no doubt thatvery high quality research in business education would lead to improvement in educational practice which Nigerianeeds direly in order to break into the bracket of the twenty most developed economies in the year 2020. This studyexplored the impediments to the quality of business education research in Nigeria tertiary institutions. The researcherconstructed 32 questionnaire items from research reports relevant to the study. The questionnaires were validatedusing Product Moment Coefficient which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.81. A total of 159 questionnaire itemswere administered on 96, 38 and 25 business educators from Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and universities inNigeria respectively and all the questionnaires were completed and retrieved. The Research Question “what are theimpediments to the quality of business education research in Nigeria tertiary institutions?” was answered using meanrating and standard deviation. The Hypothesis of no significant difference in the mean responses of businesseducators from Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and Universities regarding the impediments to the quality ofbusiness education research was tested using Analysis of Variance. The study revealed that all the constructs studiedconstituted impediments to the quality of business education research in Nigeria tertiary institutions. It wasrecommended, among others, that researchers in the field of business education should ensure that only qualityinformation is used in the research process so that research results would significantly influence changes in thedirections desired.
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Copyright (c)
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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