Empowering Teachers' Learning to Develop Students' Inspirational Skills

Montri Kromthamma, Phramaha Suphachai Supakicco


This research was based on a project to empower teachers to develop their skills as motivational players for their students. It is one of a series of research projects on 21st century skills which was an operation that recognized the importance of the knowledge-based and digital society. It brought together a variety of perspectives on the development of 21st century skills spreading across the Internet. The gathered data were processed through research methodology leading to the attainment of educational innovations that can be used for the development of people who would later develop their own work for the professional betterment. It was expected that if a person has knowledge and put that knowledge into practice, it would empower that people to work more efficiently. By doing so, a working concept is changed from "knowledge is power" to "knowledge and action is power". From this concept had led to the conceptual framework of Research and Development (R&D) methodology used in this research that encourages the use of educational innovations for teacher empowerment then teachers apply the learned knowledge for the student development. The outcome of this current research is an innovation called an online self-learning program for the teacher empowerment and the development of teachers’ skills as student motivator. The online learning program was attested through the research method and proved to have helped the teachers and the students to attain the following criteria: 1) The teacher learning outcome on the posttest score met the standard criteria of 90/90 and the posttest score was significantly higher than the pretest score, and 2) The posttest score from the students' inspirational skill assessment was significantly higher than the pretest score. Based on this finding, it was sufficient to say that the online self-learning program it's efficient to be used for the development of teachers and students in the secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the national commissions of basic education. The application of this online learning program would be beneficial for educational management and encourage freedom of learning where people can learn anywhere anytime.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v13n2p31

Copyright (c) 2023 Montri Kromthamma, Phramaha Suphachai Supakicco

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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