Incidental Focus on Form Techniques in Iranian EFL Classrooms: A Comparison between Expert and Novice Teachers
This study was an attempt to test whether there is an association between teachers' level of experience and frequency and type of FFEs they use in EFL classes. Also, it investigated the distribution of FFEs across two different proficiency levels, which were elementary and pre-intermediate. Six teachers (three experienced and three less experienced) participated in this study. Thirty-six classes were audio-recorded, with six sessions for each teacher. Then data was first transcribed, codified, and was then analyzed statistically. The results of statistical analysis revealed that less-experienced teachers used FFEs more frequently than experienced teachers. Also with regard to level of proficiency, both groups of teachers were found to use more FFEs at pre-intermediate level. It was also found out that more experienced teachers were different in terms of type of FFEs compared with their novice counterparts. These findings may have implications for teacher training programs.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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