Fidelity First in Middle School Reading Programs

Emir Gonzalez, Michelle McCraney, Sunddip Panesar-Aguilar, Chri Cale


Middle school reading scores throughout the state of California have been predominantly less than average in recent years. A school located within this region has struggled to raise reading scores. An unknown problem existed that stemmed from the implementation of the school’s reading program. The purpose of this investigation was to (a) determine the level of fidelity to the reading program, (b) understand the teachers’ perceptions of the reading program, and (c) understand the structure of the reading program. The theory of andragogy guided this qualitative case study. Six teachers from a local school participated in the investigation. The teachers were purposely selected to take part in semi-structured interviews. Two sets of data were gathered for this investigation: (a) results from semi-structured interviews, and (b) publicly available reading data. The data were coded, and emerging themes were outlined. Six themes emerged to understand the overall process of the reading program. The results of the study pointed to the need for a more focused and sustained reading program. Another finding from the investigation was that teachers need year-around training in implementation fidelity. Another finding was that the reading program’s structure can benefit from the 5 constructs that make up implementation fidelity. The implications of this study may affect positive social change by providing teachers with sustained training and support to be effective reading development facilitators. Well-trained teachers have a profound effect on their students and providing teachers a platform to guide these students toward a literate world can make a positive social change in their communities.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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