Individual Differences and Possible Effects from Outdoor Education:Long Time and Short Time Benefits

Tove Anita Fiskum, Karl Jacobsen


This study explores differences in the children’s outcomes from outdoor education. The results revealed different outcomes within different subgroups: The children with an easy or a withdrawal temperament are good functioning both indoor and outdoor. Their outcomes from outdoor education are an increased vitality, which might be seen as a short time benefit. The children with a difficult or a mixed temperament increased their vitality in outdoor education too. Additionally they often showed unwanted behavior indoor, which were mainly absent when they were observed outdoor. For these children, outdoor education may contribute to reduce behavioral problems, and consequently give these children a long time benefit. The variables of physical activity, variability in emotions and amount of positive communication are mostly guided by the school conditions, while motor and verbal agitation were guided by both school condition and temperament as well as gender.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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