An Examination of Student Club Activities from the Perspective of School Principals and Teachers
In this study, the effects of student club activities in high schools in Kars province, Turkey on the development of
students’ social skills, democracy and governance skills, recreation education and community service skills were
examined. The qualitative research technique was used in the study and data were collected with the semi-structured
interview technique. The data were obtained from 8 school principals and 12 club advisors from different school
types determined with the maximum variation sampling method. According to the results, the educators in the
sample concluded that the student clubs achieved their objectives in the theme of democracy and governance skills
but were not effective in the other themes. The reasons for this ineffectiveness emerged as deficiencies in the
physical environment in the schools, lack of time allotted for activities, excessive numbers of students in the clubs
and unwillingness of teachers with regard to club activities. It was suggested that if the choice of whether or not to
engage in club activities is left to students, the activities in clubs will become more attractive and thus their
effectiveness will increase.
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Copyright (c) 2019 World Journal of Education
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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