Career Decision Regret as a Predictor: Do Teachers and Administrators Regret Due to Their Career Choice?

Akif Köse


This research aims to explore the relationship between career decision regret, job satisfaction and life satisfaction as
well as determining whether career decision regret significantly predicts job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Having
a descriptive research design, the research has employed relational survey model. The population of the research
holds a total of 7671 teachers and administrators who work at pre-school education institutions, primary, secondary
and high schools located within the central provinces of Kahramanmaraş. The research sample consists of 365
participants who have been selected through a random sampling method. The research has deployed “Career
Decision Regret Scale”, “Job Satisfaction Scale” and “Satisfaction with Life Scale”. Independent groups t-test,
one-way ANOVA test, Pearson correlation and regression analysis have been used during data analysis. Research
results have revealed that teachers’ and school administrators’ career decision regret is at “a little” level; they have
experienced a medium level of general, intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction; they are at the level of “neither agree nor
disagree" in terms of life satisfaction; there is a negative and medium level relation between career decision regret
and life satisfaction and between career decision regret and job satisfaction; a significant, positive and medium level
relation between job satisfaction and life satisfaction; career decision regret is a significant predictor of job
satisfaction and life satisfaction; 25% of the total variance of job satisfaction and 22% of the total variance of life
satisfaction level of teachers are explained by career decision regret.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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