Identifying Contradictions in Science Education Activity Using the Change Laboratory Methodology

Athina Christina Kornelaki, Katerina Plakitsi


The study is based on an implementation of the basic steps of the Change Laboratory methodology (Engeström,
Virkkunen, Helle, Pihlaja & Poikela, 1996) at the University of Ioannina. It was derived by a discussion with
master’s students during a course about science education curricula in pre-school and primary education and their
effectiveness in the current educational system. Students’ engagement in Science Education is a multifaceted and
complex process. Under a socio-cultural approach it constitutes an activity system which consists of several elements
and as a whole, is interconnected and interacting with more activity systems which interfere in the process. The
element that connects all the above systems is the shared object which in the case we are studding is the
enhancement of teachers’ confidence in teaching science education. The developmental work research methodology
(Virkkunen & Newnham, 2013; Engestrom, 2015) was chosen in order the participants to reflect on the current
activity, to identify the contradictions of the activity and propose solutions forming a new model. Within this
implementation Engestrom’s triangular model of the Activity system (2001) is deployed and qualitative research
methods are applied to analyze the content of the CL sessions occurred among participants. The findings of this
study attempt to examine the challenges of the participating teachers in teaching science education and how their
confidence can be enhanced and furthermore, the CL methodology as a tool in professional development.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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