Self-evaluation of Parental Competence – Differences Between Parents with Pedagogical and Non-Pedagogical Professions
Parental competence is closely related to various factors, which can directly or indirectly influence parental
behaviour. One of these factors is the level of education, and more recent research show that the parents' choice of
profession can be favourable for the development of certain parental skills and experience of parental competence.
The aim of this research was to determine if there is a difference in the sense of parental competence among parents
of pedagogical professions. Research was conducted on a sample of 544 parents of pedagogical (N=247) and
non-pedagogical professions (N=297). The results show that parents of pedagogical professions (kindergarten and
elementary school teachers), more so than parents of other professions, estimate their parental Efficacy as better, but
that is not the case with Satisfaction. This result can serve as confirmation to previous research about the positive
connection between pedagogical and parental competence, and can contribute to understanding the connection of
some pedagogical skills and abilities necessary for the development of parental competence.
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Copyright (c) 2018 World Journal of Education
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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