An Examination on the Chinese Students’ Rationales to Receive Their Higher Education in the U.S.

Chiang-Nan Chao


This research attempts to explore the rationales why so many Chinese students choose to study abroad and why the
United States is their preferred destination. This population is small, but a vital component of university life at many
colleges and a much needed source of financial revenue. A total of 380 students completed a questionnaire yielding
138 usable responses. Specifically, the rationale behind Chinese students’ rationales for attending colleges in the U.S
is explored. The results indicate that Chinese students are seeking education with a worldview, and opt to break from
the Chinese system of learning. Although choosing to study in the U.S. is an academic endeavor the rationales
behind that choice is not solely for academics. A better understanding of the Chinese students’ rationales can help
academicians and university administrators to better target at this population and serve them better.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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