Analyzing ICT Policy in K-12 Education in Sudan (1990-2016)
The aim of this study of ICT policy in K-12 education in Sudan is to investigate the status of planning for technology
in education and then determine how the advantage of ICT can best serve the educational system and improve
educational outcomes. The study examined two plans for ICT in education, addition to an interview with the
educational planning manager, and information center of federal ministry of general education, and other documents
from the ministry of education, as well as recommendations of previous studies which emphasized the need for
policy to be compatible with other countries may face semi conditions of Sudan, and importance of compatible with
UNESCO declarations (Incheon& Qingdao, 2015). The results of this study showed the need for policy emphasis on
using technology in education, K-12 education in Sudan requires better technology equipment, inclusive ICT policy
includes primary and secondary education need to formulate. The study also suggests that evaluation and assessment
are required in order to get more effective solutions and cope with the international educational progress of ICT in
K-12 education.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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