Virtual Classroom Instruction and Academic Performance of Educational Technology Students in Distance Education, Enugu State
The virtual classroom and distance education have created new teaching pedagogy. This study was carried out toinvestigate Virtual Classroom Instruction on Academic Performance of Educational Technology Students inDistance Education, Enugu State. The population for this study was limited to the Students in National OpenUniversity, Enugu study Centre. Simple random sampling technique was used to select forty respondents from theeducational technology students. A researcher developed questionnaire was used to gather the needed data. Collecteddata were analyzed using frequency counts and percentage. The findings from this paper suggested that the students’acknowledged that the availability and use of virtual classroom influenced their academic performance. Although thevirtual classroom available was adequate, it was not often utilized for instruction. Thus, the researcher recommendedthat the virtual classroom should be utilized for maximum learning.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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