Combined Teaching Method: An Experimental Study
The search for the best approach to business education has led educators and researchers to seek many differentteaching strategies, ranging from the traditional teaching methods to various experimental approaches such as activelearning techniques. The aim of this experimental study was to compare the effects of the traditional and combined(traditional plus active learning) teaching methods in the process of knowledge formation among future primaryschool teachers. Participants were randomly selected from available Ukrainian 5th year students. After they werepre-tested, randomly divided into two equal groups. The participants in the experimental group were instructedthrough combined teaching methods, while those in the control group were only taught through traditional lecture.Following the completion of the course, both groups were received their post-test. The results of both groups wereequal at the beginning of experiment. An investigation on the post-test indicated that both teaching methodsincreased the students’ post-test scores significantly. Also, the result of post-test scores in the experimental groupincreased statistically significant than that the control group. This study concluded that active learning plus thetraditional teaching method is a feasible alternative to the traditional teaching method only format.
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Copyright (c)
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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