The “Five Minute Preceptor Model”: Development and evaluation of a training course for preceptors in nursing practical education in Austria: A pilot study

Melanie Breznik, Karoline Schermann, Birgit Senft, Daniela Deufert


Objective: The “Five Minute Preceptor Model” (5MP) is a teaching method which addresses the training needs of students within clinical placements. Investigation of its applicability for nursing education is equally missing as research on designing effective 5MP trainings for nurse preceptors. Aim of the pilot study was to develop and evaluate a 5 MP training and to assess its impact by measuring the utilization of the 5MP steps by the nurse preceptors.

Methods: A quantitative design was used to evaluate the training directly after attendance, using descriptive statistics for data analyzes. The application of the 5MP steps was investigated before and six months after training using Wilcoxon test for statistical analyzes. A significance level of p < .05 was set. Comparative factor analysis was used to examine the 5MP model itself.

Results: Participants (N = 92) overall rating of the trainings was high. The higher they rated the trainings the more they would applicate the 5MP in future preceptorship. Newsworthiness of the training was designated high but no difference was found in the application of the 5MP steps prior and after attendance of the training. Comparative factor analysis indicated that the 5MP steps were seen as more important after the training.

Conclusions: The results suggest that the training is suitable for teaching nurse preceptors to use the 5MP. Although no significant differences were found in pre- and post-training usage, the comparative factor analysis shows increased knowledge through training attendance. Larger studies are needed to gain deeper insights into the 5MP model.

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Journal of Nursing Education and Practice

ISSN 1925-4040 (Print)   ISSN 1925-4059 (Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press 
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