Effects of Labelling Process, Stigma And Stereotype Toward Malaysian Women with HIV Positive
Covid-19 confinement has changed students, learners and even teachers to alternate their learning strategies and testing the efficiency and assessment process overall. Using both primary and secondary data from online authentic sources and field research by taking school-going students and undergrad students as sample, this paper examines the regular struggles and obstacles, that the learners had to face due to this pandemic. Both teachers and students had performed numerous combats to get victory over quality education. The second correspondents were HSC students of Bangladesh, especially, batch 2020. And the result shows that there is significantly negative impact which greatly makes the next generation brainless and no doubt, are in great danger, as they are not only going to be the next future leaders but they will be the policy-makers of the nation. Additionally, the paper also focuses on the decisions taken by government and the possible results regarding education system of Bangladesh.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjss.v9n1p15
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