“Migrant Democracy”: From War Crimes to Crimes of Peace

Giacomo Buoncompagni


Between breaking news and tweets about sinkings, rescues, rejections, deaths at sea, naval blockades, one often has the feeling that everything has already been the impression that everything has already been said and written in the swirl of institutional and non-governmental on the subject of migrants. In Italy in particular, the above-mentioned situations still fill the media agenda and remain trending topics for weeks on social networks such as Twitter and Instragram, are not only ideological and/or symbolic, but also material and all too often categorised as "war crimes", when it would be more accurate to recognise the sinking or naval blockade as a "crimes of peace". It's necessary to overcome this pathology of communication/information and to return to the idea of rethink human rights and talk about "migrant democracy".

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjss.v6n1p1


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