Assessment of Students Attitude and Perception of Teaching Practice: The Case of Undergraduates of Delta State University, Abraka
This descriptive survey research employed ex-post facto design to examine teaching practice in Delta StateUniversity, Abraka Nigeria. Interview and questionnaire were used to generate data from 280 respondents. Threeresearch questions and three hypotheses guided the investigation. Data collected were analyzed via the use of mean,standard deviation and percent to answer the research questions and t-test to test the hypotheses, the level ofsignificant was set at 0.05. Findings revealed that student teachers have positive attitude towards teaching practice.This was reflected in their interest in the programme, regular attendance at school and writing of daily lesson notes.Additionally, the student teachers expressed that they had good relationship with their mentors. Findings onsupervision provided by lecturers showed that rural school teachers were dissatisfied with their supervision, as someof them were not supervised. The study concluded by recommending among others that Delta State Universityshould ensure that they post student teachers to schools with good access roads for ease of supervision by Lecturers.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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