The Impact of Adaptive Complex Assessment on the HOT Skill Development of Students
In this paper we propose a method for the adaptive complex assessment (ACA) of the higher-order thinking (HOT)skills needed by students for problem solving, and we examine the impact of the method on the development of HOTskills in a problem- based learning (PBL) environment. Complexity in the assessment is provided by initial,formative, and adaptive assessments of HOT skills; assessments of collaborative skills; and summative assessmentsof HOT skills. Adaptability in the assessment is provided through the dynamics of an instructor’s assessments basedon developing HOT skills; through a flexible choice of control tests and instructional problems for students andcollaborative groups; and through the self-formation of heterogeneous, collaborative HOT skill groups. Theassessment fosters the development of HOT and collaborative skills through a combination of personalized andcollaborative problem-based learning (PBL). The three-stage assessment process guides the development of HOTskills during subject study through PBL. The focus of the first stage is on developing the HOT skills of studentsthrough personalized PBL. The second stage is devoted to developing HOT skills and collaborative skills throughcollaborative PBL. The third stage is devoted to assessing collaborative skills and constructing summativeassessments of students. The proposed calculations for the coefficients of HOT skill development serve as aconstructive means of exploring the impact of the ACA method on the HOT skill development of students.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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