International Scientific Publication in ISI Journals: Chances and Obstacles
Recently, many universities have started to do their best to enhance their contribution in the scientific publication.Thus, researchers and faculty members have been offered many various financial and promotional incentives forpublishing their papers in international journals, particularly the ISI ones. The present study aims to identify theopportunities and obstacles that faculty members at Najran University can obtain by publishing in ISI journals. Inaddition, distinction of the most important obstacles that can hinder such publication was another aim of the presentstudy. Based on intensive review of related literature and a series of structured interviews, a questionnaire wasdeveloped, validated and verified. A stratified sampling method was used to choose participants of this study.Findings revealed that the contribution of ISI Journals to the identification of globally well-known journals, thedevelopment of participants’ skills of refereed scientific publication in international journals, and the provision ofpositive attitudes towards scientific publication were the most important opportunities researchers have got. However,high standards of ISI journals, mastery of foreign languages, mainly English, and the originality of high intellectualtopics were the most important barriers or obstacles that faculty members encountered when trying to publish theirarticle papers in ISI journals. No statistically significant differences due to study variables regarding theopportunities were found. Nevertheless, significant differences due to specialization and previous knowledge ofpublication in ISI Journals were found.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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