Reviewing the Purpose of Education and Challenges Faced in Implementing Sound Pedagogical Practices in the Presence of Emerging Evidence from Neuroscience

Chandana Watagodakumbura


The field of neuroscience has been evolving constantly and at a rapid pace in the recent past. Consequently,neuroscientists have put forth a wealth of knowledge in relation learning and education in general. In this context,how can we as educators benefit from the emerging evidence from neuroscience so that we can take a significant stepforward in improving our pedagogical practices? We can take a deeper and reflective look at our existingpedagogical knowledge-base and engage in implementing necessary changes in such a way that we can guide ourlearners to reach their full potential. By reaching full potential, we mean enhancing creativity and wisdom in our dayto day life operations, thus developing more empathic and content personalities devoid of psychological disorders. Inthe presence of emerging evidence, we can be better organised and take more educated decisions in planning ourcurricular, assessment and content delivery methods to achieve enhanced learning. We certainly face somechallenges, especially in changing from some practices that were used widely and for a prolonged time. However,taking this courageous step forward would help us to be more sustainable in our educational systems as well associety at large. In this regard, this paper discusses some emerging neuroscience-based concepts relevant to learningand education in general, the significance of these concepts and some suggestions on how they can be incorporatedin our pedagogical practices.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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