Comparative Study of Pupils' Academic Performance between Private and Public Primary Schools

Sunday B. Adeyemi


This paper compares pupils’ academic performance between the private and public primary schools. The sample,made up of 240 pupils were randomly selected from the private and public primary schools in Ilesa East and WestLocal Government Council Areas of Osun State, Nigeria. Two instruments were used. A structured questionnaireand Pupils’ Achievement Test (PAT) in three core-subject areas of the Primary School Curriculum namely: EnglishLanguage, Mathematics and Social Studies. While the questionnaire was used to collect relevant bio- data of therespondents, the instrument on achievement tests (PAT) was used to collect data on students' performance in thethree subjects involved in the study. Data were analyzed using frequency count, simple percentages and Z-test.Results showed that pupils in the private primary schools performed better than their counterparts in the publicschools and therefore call for improvement in the public schools to enhance the learning opportunity of the vastmajority of pupils attending the public schools.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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