Student Perspectives on Study Skills in a Turkish State Secondary School Sample from Adana
The primary aim of this study was to examine the preferences of 8th grade students who had high academic grades inseveral study skills categories. The study group consisted of 23 8th grade students who were attending a statesecondary school in the province of Adana, Turkey, during the 2012-2013 academic year. The research method wasqualitative. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were used to analyse the data. The data were collected throughsemi-structured interviews with interview forms. All of the interviews were audio-recorded, learners gave writtenconsent to participate and consented orally to the interview and audio recording. The audio recordings weretranscribed. As a consequence of this research, the learners clarified their views about the study skills categories.Most of the learners expressed the following preferences: 12 students stated that they prepared study plans andweekly schedules; 14 students emphasised that they divided their courses into smaller content units when theyreviewed the course material; 15 learners stated that their study environment must be quiet; 7 students stated thatthey listened to music when experiencing stress; 9 students believed that stress is necessary for learning anddetermined that it should be maintained at an appropriate level; 4 students said that they increased their motivationby reviewing the course material; and 3 students explained that studying effectively increases their motivation. Inconclusion, when the study skills categories discussed in the literature are used to analyse students’ study habits,students seem to apply the categories of study skills when studying their course material.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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