Investigation and Aanlysis of “Zhai” Lifestyle’s Effects on College Students’ Physical and Mental Health

Xiaohua Zhang


With the development of science and technology, especially the popularity of the Internet, mobile phone, andcomputer, college students’ lifestyle is changing, which leads to the “Zhai” phenomenon. More and more studentshouse in the dorm or home. They reduce the communication with the outside world. This phenomenon not onlyreduces the survivability of the students, but also causes no small impact to their physical and mental health.Students are the hope of the society. If they are indulged in “Zhai” lifestyle, they will be difficult to take theresponsibilities of the future development in the country. “Zhai” has become stern problems in current society,schools and families. No doubt a study on the relevant topic is of realistic value. Under the background, based onsurvey data, I do quantitative analysis combined with qualitative analysis, on the basis of extensive reading relevantliterature, trying to use the theory to extract the data. The conclusions are: More and more college students(especially male and senior students) choose “Zhai” lifestyle; The results confirm “Zhai” produces plenty of negativeinfluence on college students’ physical and mental health; Although “Zhai” lifestyle has effected students health, theyhave not aware of the harm of “Zhai”. So at last the paper gives the rational proposal.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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