Policy Issues in the Administration of Higher Education in Nigeria
This paper evaluates policy initiatives in the Nigerian higher educational system with a view to bringing it in linewith good practices. Issues of gender, management/governance, teaching, research and funding were discussed. Thestudy revealed that government’s funding is insufficient to maintain institutional performance because of the policystance of non-payment of tuition fees at undergraduate level. It advocates policy reforms that support cost sharingwith students but with appropriate mix of scholarships to enable students pay prescribed fees. The paper indicatedthat participatory governance is appropriate in administering universities because of its capacity to involve relevantstakeholders in decision-making. The paper highlighted that, teaching and research in Nigerian Universities are notresponsive to employers’ requirements; and new policy initiatives geared towards ameliorating the situation arehampered by shortage of staff, inadequate funding and poor physical facilities. The paper found that genderinequality in higher education is a social problem which has necessitated the creation of centres for mainstreaminggender in the system. The study concluded that for Universities and other higher educational institutions in Nigeria toremain self-reliant, self-steering and able to survive in a competitive world; various higher education policies shouldbe effectively institutionalized and operationalised.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v3n1p32
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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