Psychometric Features of Children Life Styles Inventory

Ahmet Ragıp ÖZPOLAT, İsa Yücel İŞGÖR, Sırrı AKBABA, Ahmet YİĞİT


Children Life Styles Inventory was developed by Stiles & Wilborn and in this study, Psychometric features of theinventory in Turkey is researched. At the end of the study, it was found that correlation coefficient among originaland applied form points was .87 for linguistic equivalence. Structural and consistence validity of Turkish form wereanalyzed. At the end of explanatory factor analysis, it was found that Children Life Style Inventory has 6 factors likein its original form and items in sub-factors coincided with the items in original inventory. On the other hand, forconsistence study of Children Life Styles Inventory, original scale was taken into consideration. Scale’s data in termsof Turkish reliability and validity were also positive. At the end of DFA, it was found that χ 2 (938.94) sd (290) (χ2/sd= 3.23), RMSEA (.07) RMR (.08) SRMR (.07) GFI (.95) AGFI (.93) CFI (96)

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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