Student-Athletes’ Perceptions of Coaches’ Coaching Competency at the Malaysian Public Institution of Higher Learning

Lim Khong Chiu, Nor Idayu Mahat, Khor Phoy Hua, Radzliyana Bt Radzuwan


This study was designed to evaluate the competency level of coaches at the higher institutions’ sports competitionsorganized by the Universities Sports Council of Malaysia. Multi-dimensional model of leadership behaviors andmodels of coaching effectiveness were used as the basis for the theoretical framework. A total of 322 student-athletescomprising 183 (57.2%) men and 137 (44.8%) women were participated in the questionnaire survey. Researchershave adapted the Coaching Competency Scale for data collection. The results of this study indicate that the coaches’competency level were not differ significantly by gender and performance of student-athletes, but it was differedsignificantly by type of sport, between team and individual sports. The information from this study may help coachesto some extent in planning strategies for coaching athletes to ensure the effectiveness of its role as a coach.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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