Drug Prevention by Increasing Self-Esteem: Influence of Teaching Approaches and Gender on Different Consumption Groups
Our study focused on an educational intervention designed to increase the self-esteem of low-achieving eighthgraders. The intervention was a substance-specific life skills program built upon teacher-centered versusstudent-centered teaching methods. A cluster analysis identified four consumption groups prior to the intervention: Apotentially curious cluster (PC), a currently curious cluster (CC), an experimenter cluster (EP) and a consumercluster (CO). Self-esteem was measured three times in a pre-, post- and retention test design. The in terms ofpercentage biggest PC cluster only responded positively. A consistent increase was detected among both differentteaching methods and both genders. Thus, self-esteem as an important psychological construct of physical well-beingcould be influenced positively by many students in the context of a substance-specific life skills program.Educational consequences to increase the efficiency of scholastic measures are discussed.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v3n1p1
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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