Factors Affecting on the Preserving Thai Culture of Undergraduate Students in Thailand National Sports University
Purpose to Study Factors Affecting on the Preserving Thai culture of Undergraduate students in Thailand National Sports University. The Subjects of 210 were Stratified Random Sampling from undergraduate students of Thailand National Sports University Chonburi Campus in Academic Years 2019. The Data were then analyzed in terms of Pearson Correlation amd Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. The factors which could the Preserving Thai culture of Undergraduate students in Thailand National Sports University comprised these 4 variables: Participating in Cultural activities with educational institutions, Cultural data sources, Attention and valuableness of culture and Cultural information perception.These 4 factors could predict the Preserving Thai culture of Undergraduate students in Thailand National Sports University about percentage of 72.30. The significantly predicted equations were as follows: In term of raw scores were: Y/ = -.593 + .398 (X6) + .318 (X4) +. 273 (X3) + .166 (X5) In term of standard scores were: Z/Y = .392 (ZX6) + .258 (ZX4) +. 254 (ZX3) + .143 (ZX5)
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v10n2p174
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ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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