An Investigation into the Barriers for University Students to the Use of Recreation Areas

Osman Tolga Togo, Arda Öztürk


In this research, it is aimed to determine the participation barriers of the students who are studying in sports departments of the university and living in different geographical areas related to the use of recreation area by the municipalities. The study group, the universities in four regions in Turkey 135 girls and 197 boys studying sports science constitute a total of 332 students. As a data collection tool; Gümüs, H. & Alay Özgül, S. The scale of participation barriers to the use of recreation area consisting of 17 questions and five sub-dimensions developed in 2017 was used. The findings show that the data do not have a normal distribution. In the evaluation of the data, Mann Whitney-U test was used for paired comparisons and Kruskall Wallis Analysis test was used for three and more comparisons, and significant differences were found in the sub-dimensions of department variable, gender, place of residence and use of private vehicles (P <0.05).

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