A Quantitative Study on Student Financial Aid of a Local Undergraduate College in China
This study took the student aid data of a normal university in northern Jiangsu Province in 2018 as the object of
study, and studied the characteristics of student aid work in local colleges. Through the analysis of the data, it is
found that the characteristics of student aid in local undergraduate colleges and universities in China are as follows:
the main source of investment is government, supplemented by colleges, and the amount of social aid is small and
unstable; the function of the aid work is still mainly to help the poor, supplemented by awards for the students with
excellent academic performance, and aid for poor students without extra requisites are large in amount. The projects
rewarding outstanding students from the college funds are few in ordinary local colleges and universities, with low
reward amount per capita; the willingness of college students to apply for student loans is low, as loans need to be
repaid, the attraction of loans to poor students who can afford partly of the cost is weak, compared with many
non-repayment and non-academic performance requirements aid projects.
Full Text:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v9n6p7
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