The Effect of Computer-Assisted Educational Games on Teaching Grammar

Adil Kayan, İbrahim Seçkin Aydın


Discussions on how grammar should be taught have continued for decades. Previous studies have reported that today’s students called as Generation Z have shown negative attitudes toward grammar teaching with traditional methods and techniques, and that their academic achievements have failed to meet expectations. Not using methods and techniques that are consistent with the adopted philosophy of education hinders the success of this process. The study investigated the impact of computer-assisted instruction and correspondingly computer-assisted educational games on grammar academic achievement and attitudes toward grammar and Turkish course of students. In this study, a quasi-experimental design based on a quantitative study with a pretest-posttest nonequivalent group was applied. Participants of the study consisted of two classes of 6th grade students studying at a middle school. Computer-assisted educational games were designed and practiced in the experimental group within a 12-week period. For the control group, activities in the curriculum were followed during lessons. Results showed that grammar academic achievement of students between the experimental group in which computer-assisted educational games were practiced and the control group in which the existing curriculum was followed showed a significant difference in attitudes toward Turkish course and grammar on the behalf of the experimental group. Findings demonstrated that this kind of practice in teaching grammar made a significant difference on achievement and attitude of students. In addition, there was a positive, moderate and statistically significant relationship between attitudes toward grammar and Turkish course. Attitudes toward grammar of students determine attitudes toward Turkish course of students.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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