The Relationship Between the Study Habits and Attitudes and Metacognitive Reading Comprehension Self-Awareness, Reading Comprehension, Reading Attitudes
The aim of the study is to analyze the correlation between study habits and attitudes and metacognitive reading
comprehension self-awareness, reading comprehension and reading attitude of fifth-grade students. 313 students (193
female, 188 male) consisted the sample group of the study using relational screening model. SSHA-Survey of Study
Habits and Attitudes, Form C”, “Metacognitive Reading Comprehension Self-Awareness Scale”, “Reading
Comprehension” and, “Reading Attitudes Scale” were used. Moreover, students’ level of Turkish course success has
been identified by their grades from school reports of the first term of fifth grade. As the result of the study, it was
found that the study orientation scores of the students were higher than the average and that their study attitudes were
higher than their studying habits. There was a mid-scale, positive and significant correlation between the
sub-dimensions of their studying attitudes and habits. The levels of correlation between students’ success in Turkish
course and their study orientation; between their metacognitive awareness of reading comprehension, reading
comprehension and studying habits with their studying orientation; between their metacognitive awareness of reading
comprehension, reading comprehension and reading attitude with study orientation, and between their metacognitive
awareness of reading comprehension and reading attitude with their study attitudes was found to be positive, mid-scale
and significant. However, the level of correlation between their metacognitive awareness of reading comprehension
and reading comprehension was found to be positive, low-scale and significant.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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