Father Involvement in Education Predicates the Mental Health Status of Chinese Primary School Students

Junhua Zhang, Siyuan Wang, Yuan Lu


Previous studies have shown that quality and the quantity of father involvement in education play an important role
in children’s development. The influence of father involvement in education on Chinese children's mental health
status still needs further study. To understand the present situation of father involvement in education and its impact
on children's mental health, this study will concentrate on the impact of father involvement on the mental health
status of primary school students, This study surveyed 1669 primary school students in Yancheng, China. It was
pointed out that 45.1% of fathers were not active in children's education, and 25.8% of fathers have not been
sufficient time to accompany their children. Children's sex and grade were not associated with father involvement in
education, which was linked to their father's occupation and education level. Father involvement dramatically
affected primary school students' sensitive tendency and impulsive tendency. Father involvement can make children
more optimistic and less focus on trifles and suspicious. More father involvement in education leads to better mental
health status. These results suggest the importance of increasing father involvement in education in promoting mental
health status in primary school students.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v9n4p65

Copyright (c) 2019 World Journal of Education


World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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