Impact of Using Technology on Teacher-Student Communication/Interaction: Improve Students Learning
This paper aims to investigate the teachers’ and students' views on using technology and its effect on
communication/interaction. As noteworthy results have been succeeded in educational technology in recent years,
evaluating the effects of technology integration on communication is now possible. Moreover, the impact of
technology on the teachers' and students' communication is considered important. The present study examines the
factors or the impact of using technology between teacher-student communication/interaction in Turkey. This paper
proposes both innovation diffusion theory (IDT) and integrating technology acceptance model (TAM) from
educational communication perspectives. The case study method was used in the research. Case study is one of the
qualitative approaches and requires in-depth analysis of a case resulting in a narrative description of behaviour or
experience of a person or a group. The sample of this study consists of 95 participants (77 students and 18 teachers)
from a secondary school in Bursa/Turkey. Semi-Structured interviews were carried out with the participants including
issues; "using education technology on teacher and student technologies, the effect of using education technology and
to improve teacher-student communication should be used asolution proposals for technologies in classrooms".
Maxqda 11 program was used for the analysis of the interviews. As a result of the interviews, participants have been
suggested to use tablets in classrooms, sound insulation, use of never ending pen and no ringtones. The findings show
that the choice of educational technology is related to teachers’ perception which is communication/interaction with
the student can be enhanced using technology. However, the opposite is true for students.
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Copyright (c) 2019 World Journal of Education
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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