Creativity in Modern Education
There will be elaborated several facts about creativity in Twenty First-Century educational reforms in six countries
(The US, India, Chile, Mexico, China, and Singapore). The crucial source of the content in the paper relies on the
book, “Teaching and Learning for the Twenty-First Century” (Reimeres and Chung, 2016). Nevertheless, my
exploration of creativity in modern education in the six countries has a limited range. Creativity depends on three
meaningful factors of education such as equality, quality and implementing modern educational reforms. The paper
sheds light on similarities and differences of six countries that they experience with the three factors (equality,
creativity, and implementing modern educational reforms). All countries strive to apply equality in the whole country,
although, none of the countries has employed equality throughout the nation. Some countries made better progress on
applying equality in education, and others are facing many obstacles with equal education throughout the country.
Creativity is significant to every educational system, and it is interrelated with equality and applying modern education.
The US system of education applies creativity in a few school districts. Other countries state creativity in their
curriculum, but they do not use it in the classrooms at all. Six countries have different economic development, and
different economic demands; therefore, they have different approaches to implementing modern educational reforms.
Despite the fact all countries have dissimilarities with implementing creativity in educational reforms, they all know
creativity’s weight in modern education. Creativity as a first step of the innovation that defines the progress of
education especially accelerates the growth of the entire economy within a society.
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Copyright (c) 2019 World Journal of Education
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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