Using Patterns-of-Participation Approach to Understand High School Mathematics Teachers’ Classroom Practice in Saudi Arabia

Layla Alsalim


During the past decade, the Saudi Arabian education system has undergone major changes. Government agencies
involved in education have introduced new policies, standards, programs, and curricula. The focus of this research is to
describe and understand high school mathematics teachers’ current practices in Saudi Arabia. This research includes
three cases of teachers currently teaching high school mathematics in Saudi Arabia. Using the Patterns of Participation
concept (PoP) as the main framework, I identified some of the significant practices, or figured worlds, from the
teachers’ sense of their practices. Some of the figured worlds that emerged are mathematics, the textbook, reform, and
responsibility for students’ achievement. Mathematics, as it has always been, remains an influential figured world for
mathematics teachers. Reform and the textbook are becoming as influential because of the current changes in the
education system in Saudi Arabia. While some participant teachers are developing a new understanding of what
mathematics is and what it means to teach it, they also indicated that they are mostly still using traditional teaching
strategies rather than reform teaching strategies

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Copyright (c) 2019 World Journal of Education


World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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