Review of the Interactive Writing Lesson Provided for Turkish Hearing-Impaired University Students
When the literature about the writing expression of hearing-impaired students is reviewed, it is seen that there are
studies in which the effectiveness of several approaches and the writing process are analysed, assessment and
evaluation aspects are considered and comparisons are made with the level of skills of non-impaired peers. On the
other hand, there is a need for researches regarding the method of implementation of writing lessons. In this study, it is
explained how the pre-writing stage for the writing of a text is performed with hearing-impaired students through
Interactive Writing. The study, based on the action research method, was conducted during the Fall term of the
2015-2016 academic year, at the Integrated School for the Handicapped of Anadolu University, located in Eskisehir
province of Turkey. Participants of the study were seven hearing-impaired second-year students enrolled to the
Computer Operating department. During the study, nine lessons were made based on the principles and components of
the Balanced Literacy Instruction Approach (BLIA). Among the nine lessons, four of them were performed with
interactive writing. When the language skill levels of the hearing-impaired students group of the study was considered,
Interactive Writing was determined to be the most effective writing component for the group. However, the most
effective writing component can be different for another hearing-impaired student group. Writing levels of the students,
the types and amount of support they need and their level of knowledge about the text to be written were decisive in the
determination of writing components.
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World Journal of Education
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