Investigation of Prospective Teachers’ Beliefs Towards Authentic Assessment
The aim of this study is to examine the prospective teachers’ beliefs toward authentic assessment in relation to
various variables. The survey method has been used in this study and the sample of the study is comprised of 612
prospective teachers 368 (60.1%) of whom are female and 244 (39.9%) of whom are male. The "Authentic
Assessment Belief Scale" (AABS) comprised of 17 items and 3 subscales and developed by the researcher has been
used as a data collection tool. As for the analysis of the data SPSS 20.0 package program has been preferred. The
prospective teachers’ beliefs toward the authentic assessment in terms of gender variable has been analyzed with
independent samples t-test and in terms of department and grade variables one way ANOVA has been used. 05
degree of significance is used for the analysis. In case of observing significant differences LSD postdoc test has been
used to determine the source of difference and effect size has been calculated to determine the magnitude of the
difference. So as to determine the level of prospective teachers’ beliefs toward the authentic assessment, mean and
standard deviation values have been calculated. According to the findings of the study, the prospective teachers’
beliefs toward the authentic assessment have been observed to be high. Moreover prospective teachers’ beliefs have
been determined to differ significantly in terms of gender, grade and department variables.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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