Teachers’ Time Management and the Performance of Students: A Comparison of Government and Private Schools of Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan

Zafarullah Sahito, Mumtaz Khawaja, Uzma Murad Panhwar, Abida Siddiqui, Humera Saeed


Time is a precious and so important thing as well as the blessing of the Creator in the world. It is the time whichmakes, changes, creates, decorates, maintains, develops, strengthens, and successes the present and secures the futureof the people and the nations. Time considers a great cure and care for any unethical, unsocial and invaluable matterand event. Time settles each and every hurdle and difficulty of any system and nation with its pace, speed anddirection. If time is managed properly according to needs and the requirements of the matters and phenomenon ofany nation then no one can stop any nation to be a developed and successful.This research paper aims to explore and investigate the importance and see the impact of Time Management in theprofessional life of teachers and the performance of the students of Primary schools in the districts of Hyderabad. Inthese connections 30 primary teachers were constituted as the sample of the study. Interviews were conducted on thePrimary school Teachers of Government / Public and Private School Teachers in order to collect the data about TimeManagement of teachers and the Performance of the students. A qualitative research design was used to collect datafrom the sample.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v6n6p42

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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